Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. Apart from stuffing ourselves and hanging our heads in shames for atrocities committed against Native Americans, this holiday is a great opportunity to take the time to be grateful, to give thanks.
It turns out being grateful is good for your health. According to a recent New York Times article
Cultivating an “attitude of gratitude” has been linked to better health, sounder sleep, less anxiety and depression, higher long-term satisfaction with life and kinder behavior toward others, including romantic partners.
It thus seems a worthwhile endeavor to spend some time writing about what I am grateful for.
I am grateful...
- For inspiring students who bring thought-provoking questions to the classroom and go on to do fabulous things in life.
- For supportive colleagues who are willing to do everything from pick my kids up from school when I am in a pinch to writing letters of recommendation for me, to reviewing early drafts of my work.
- For my job, which allows me to do things I think are important and meaningful.
- For my parents, who raised me in ways that instilled confidence as well as a fighting spirit in me.
- For my husband, who is willing to do small and large things to make my life more enjoyable.
- For my children, who bring joy to each of my days and remind me of the importance of being happy.
- For my friends, near and far, who are there to lend an ear and plenty of sage advice when I need it.
- For life. I am truly grateful to be alive and healthy and to have plenty of years ahead of me.
I am also grateful to the many readers of this blog, who inspire me to keep writing more!
What are you grateful for?